essence of japan

Ever since its grand opening in 2012, Palace Hotel Tokyo has been host to various events and promotions featuring the diverse culture of Japan.

The Essence of Japan series launched in 2022 with the aim of presenting the best of Japan. For its first installment the hotel united with some of the best ryokans in the country for a dinner event with each property. Part II of the series held later that year was an introduction to various Japanese traditions from connoisseurs.

Part III held in May 2023 highlighted the enticing flavors of Yamanashi, made with carefully selected ingredients nourished by the waters of the Southern Alps.

In the ongoing three-part event, we spotlight the arts and crafts of the Hokuriku region and its three prefectures – starting with Fukui in February 2024 followed by Ishikawa in August, and will conclude with Toyama in early 2025.

Palace Hotel Tokyo - Lobby II - H2
Palace Hotel Tokyo - Collaboration Event - Essence of Japan Ishikawa

Part IV

hokuriku series: ishikawa

The second part of the Hokuriku series features Ishikawa.

Owner-chef Toshiya Ikehata from L’Atelier de NOTO in Ishikawa, who conveys the allures of Noto through his cuisine, and Wajima-lacquerware artist Akito Akagi will gather at Palace Hotel Tokyo to present a special dinner with the hotel Executive Chef Masatoshi Saito.

Date: August 30 (Fri.), 2024
Time: 6:00 pm –
Venue: Banquet Room Yamabuki (4F)
Price: JPY 55,000 (inclusive of food, drinks, 15% service charge, consumption tax and 1 lacquerware vessel) per person
Resevations: From June 3 (Mon.)
Tel +81-3-3211-5326 (10:00 am – 6:00 pm JST [Weekdays only])
*Advance reservations for THE PALACE CLUB members accepted from May 10 (Fri.)

The Hokuriku series of Essence of Japan will conclude with Toyama in early 2025.

Part I

ryokan collection

On our 10th anniversary milestone year, Palace Hotel Tokyo collaborated with eight of The Ryokan Collection‘s finest member ryokans, properties showcasing their refined local cultures, with hopes of rediscovering the charm of local traveling and inspiring new travels in Japan.

In an effort to further promote Japan’s tourism industry, the event presented the profound charm of the country’s ‘travel culture’ from the hotel’s one-of-a-kind location just opposite the natural splendor of the Imperial Palace gardens.

Dates: January 14 (Fri.) through March 18 (Fri.), 2022
*This event has concluded.

View Details for Part I
Palace Hotel Tokyo Collaboration Essence of Japan II H2
Palace Hotel Tokyo Collaboration Event Essence of Japan Tradition H2

Part II

inheriting tradition and art

Welcoming connoisseurs of various fields, the four-part event each featured a talk show on Japanese traditional cultures and arts that have been and will be inherited across time, connecting the past, present and future.
The profound world of calligraphy, etiquette, brocade and bamboo lights were presented along with cuisine from the hotel chefs.

Dates: May 31 (Tue.) through July 1 (Fri.), 2022
*This event has concluded.

View Details for Part II

Part III

indulge in yamanashi

Winemaker Ayana Misawa from Grace Wine, one of the leading wineries in Japan, and owner-chefs from two restaurants representing Yamanashi – Shinji Yamada of La Cueillette and Masaya Toyoshima of TOYOSHIMA – came together with the chefs of Palace Hotel Tokyo for a collaboration dinner event.

Date: May 16 (Tue.), 2023
*This event has concluded.

View Details for Part III
Palace Hotel Tokyo - Collaboration Event - Essence of Japan Yamanashi - H2
Essence of Japan

Part IV

hokuriku series: fukui

For the fourth installment of the events, we spotlight the arts and crafts of the Hokuriku region and its three prefectures, starting with Fukui.

World-champion Chef de cuisine Ryo Horiuchi from Le jardin in Fukui, a restaurant that integrates the tradition and innovation of French cuisine, and eighth-generation owner Naoto Mizuno from Kokuryu Brewery, one of Fukui’s leading sake breweries, collaborated with the chefs of Palace Hotel Tokyo to create a unique culinary experience for one night only.

Date: February 6 (Tue.), 2024
*The Fukui event has concluded.

The Hokuriku series of Essence of Japan will continue with Ishikawa in summer of 2024, and Toyama in early 2025.

View details for Part IV Fukui